Portfolio: Commercial
Union First Market Bank
McKee Carson's plan for the Union Bank and Trust (now Union First Market Bank) was awarded "Outstanding Plan of Development" for 2005 by the City of Charlottesville Planning Commission Board. The site is located along the City of Charlottesville’s designated entry corridor. This former one-acre nursery is one of the few sites where an existing stream (Meadow Creek) has been daylighted (without a culvert) and is surrounded by a small stand of maples, sycamores and dogwoods along its banks.
Health South Medical Center
Designed under the direction of Birmingham, Alabama-based Health South Corporation and in collaboration with architects Gresham, Smith and Partners and Worley and Associates, the two-building complex resides on 7.25 acres within the University of Virginia’s Fontaine Research Park. Site improvements and landscape were developed under a strict set of design guidelines formulated by McKee Carson which govern development throughout the park.
Union Station
Union Station is an architecturally historic depot located in the heart of Charlottesville. McKee Carson, in collaboration with Dalgliesh, Eichman, Gilpin and Paxton, Architects, of Charlottesville, designed an effective roadway, parking and walkway system for the site which centers around renovated train station buildings.